Orion Associates has a unique philosophy of service reflected in our Vision and Mission and our Code of Ethics. Orion Associates was initially formed to manage the administrative functions and personnel of its related companies Meridian Services, Zenith Services, Orion Intermediary Services Organization (ISO), Morning Sun Financial Services and Headwaters Relief Organization.
We are proud of our long history providing quality services for the past three decades. Orion Associates has been recognized as a leader in professional services for our commitment to the people we serve, our community, and our employees.
Orion Associates is led by a seasoned executive team with a unique combination of management, psychology and services experience.At Orion Associates, our employees are our greatest assets. They make a personal commitment to the clients we serve. Our team has earned the trust and respect of those we service by providing the best services possible and obtaining awards in the following areas:
CARF Accredited
CARF is a national accreditation awarded to agencies that have met international quality standards for efficiency, effectiveness and consumer satisfaction. Orion Associates became CARF accredited originally in March 2003 and still maintains that accreditation. The team at Orion is continually analyzing and enhancing processes and supports so that the program is managed using best practices.

Payroll Services
Financial Reporting
Accounts Payable
Budgeting & forecasting
Billing Services
Resource Consultation
Human Resources
Human Resources Policies & Procedures
Recruitment & Hiring
Workers’ Compensation
Unemployment Insurance
Personnel Records & Record Keeping
Benefits Administration
Harassment & Discrimination Investigations
Form Development & Cataloging
Professional Training & Quality Assurance
First Aid / C.P.R.
Orientation for Licensed Services
Wide Range of Program Topics
Training Resource Library
Vulnerable Adult / Maltreatment of Minors Investigations
Quality Assurance Training
Internal & External Surveys
Person Centered Planning
Program Policies & Procedure